Activité : fabriquer une lampe à lave

Activity: making a lava lamp

A nice activity to do a bit of science at home, while having fun!

Material :

- A small bowl
- A glass bottle or jar
- A dropper
- Vegetable oil (enough to fill 2/3 of the bottle)
- 3 tablespoons baking soda
- 100ml of white vinegar
- Food coloring

Skills worked:

- Focus
- Fine motor skills
- Causal link
- Self esteem

Preparation :

1) Preparation of the adult: gather all the equipment and place it in a place conducive to experimentation where the child can comfortably handle it without fear of staining something important. Pour the white vinegar into the small bowl.

2) Invite the child to choose a dye color. Pour a few drops into the white vinegar. Offer to do the same.

3) Pour a tablespoon of baking soda into the jar/bottle. Then ask your child to add two.

4) Add vegetable oil and ask your child to do the same to fill 2/3 of the bottle. Be careful not to mix.

5) Place the bowl of colored vinegar and the pipette to the left of the jar. Show the child how to grasp the pipette to draw up the vinegar and pour drops into the jar. He can then reproduce the gesture. Look at the cute chemical reaction! Start again slowly, spacing the steps well to enjoy the result.

6) Store and clean the equipment.

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